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Bulk chartering & bulk brokers.

"Kiev Shipping Ltd" moves wheat, corn, coal, fertilizers and similar cargoes (as shown below) by sea. We work globally. Black Sea, Med Sea, Red Sea and PG are our main working areas. We've been here since 2000.


SYNACOMEX 2000 is a grain voyage charter party. It was drafted by the Syndicat National du Commerce Extérieur des Céréales (the French Union of Grain Exporters - SYNACOMEX) and the Comité Central des Armateurs de France (French Shipowners' association - CCAF), with the assistance of the Chambre Arbitrale Maritime de Paris (Maritime Arbitration Chamber of Paris - CAMP) and the Chambre Syndicale des Courtiers d'Affrètement Maritime et de Vente de Navires de France (the French Shipbrokers' Association). It has been approved by BIMCO.

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